Tags: injector reconditioning , Mercedes
The HDEV piezo DI injectors used on direct injected Mercedes motors are one of the best and highest flowing DI injectors available on the market. Even though they outperform and outlast solenoid type injectors, they are more susceptible to flow issues caused by debris in fuel. This often times causes an injector to get stuck open even though the injector is mechanically and electrically good. A stuck open or out of spec injector can cause dangerous operating conditions for your Mercedes motor by causing rail pressure issues and starving other injectors off of fuel inducing lean conditions even when the car is built and tuned to perfection. The HDEV injector reconditioning service we offer allow you to test your injectors through a test program that mimics actual operating parameters of the injectors at the pressure they run on the actual car. We are able to test the injectors at up to 400 bar pressures at varying pulse width with our specialized testing equipment. This is not the same as testing and flowing these injectors at low pressures like some offer. Tested injectors can be run through a reconditioning program with new seals/ filters and brought back to within operating specs. You would receive a full analysis report with all the test results through this service.
*The Price is for a set of 6 or 8 injectors
*Please include your order number in the package being sent to us. If there is no identifying information, package will be sent back without testing.
*All existing spool High pressure pump customer will receive a 50% discount on this service. Please email customer_service@spoolperformance.us with your high pressure pump order number to get your discount code.
Tags: injector reconditioning , Mercedes